Jumat, September 25, 2009

Ilogic Sound Hat: Topi Sekaligus Earphone Yang Gaul

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iLogic Sound Hat: Topi Sekaligus Earphone Yang Gaul. Tidak tahu dengan anda tetapi menurut kami memakai topi sekaligus earphone akan terlihat aneh bukan? iLogic Sound Hat akan imagemengatasi masalah diatas karena t opi ini juga mempunyai earphone di dalamnya sehingga yang orang lihat adalah anda sedang menggunakan topi saja.

Topi yang satu ini melalui kabel jack ukuran 3.5 mm dapat disambungkan ke iPod dan MP3 player merek lainnya. Harga iLogic Sound Hat adalah US$ 28 (sekitar Rp. 250.000).

Jumat, September 18, 2009

Pink Hat In The Style Of Cristiano Ronaldo

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Pink Hat In The Style Of Cristiano Ronaldo cristiano ronaldo one of [the] pesepakbola enough melek fashion. augmenting willing comes up difference, clothing whom he imposes even also merged with flower slip at ear. Pink Hat In The Style Of Cristiano Ronaldo
cristiano ronaldo
in a newest appearance, mainstay player manchester united that also come up not lose ngejreng. with tight white shorts, ronaldo bandage the body with blue shirt also not lose tight.

if only that is may be still usually. but ronaldo then fuse style a while ago with pink colour hat that is installed upside down above the head. then, behold also the ear. there inserted sekuntum flower ruddles jambu.
may be not a little future lift eyebrow or exactly until goggle eye see padu-padan clothing ronaldo. eits, herself obvious even felt to come up usually lho.

Pink Hat In The Style Of Cristiano Ronaldo very interesting….

Jumat, September 11, 2009

Topi Pink Ala Cristiano Ronaldo

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Topi Pink Ala Cristiano Ronaldo  Cristiano Ronaldo adalah salah satu pesepakbola yang cukup melek fashion. Ditambah keinginan tampil beda, busana yang dia kenakan pun dipadukan dengan selipan bunga di telinga.Topi Pink Ala Cristiano Ronaldo.cristiano ronaldo

Pada sebuah penampilan terbarunya, pemain andalan Manchester United itu juga tampil tak kalah ngejreng. Dengan celana pendek putih ketat, Ronaldo membalut badannya dengan kemeja biru yang juga tak kalah ketat.

Kalau hanya itu mungkin masih biasa. Tapi Ronaldo lantas memadukan gaya tadi dengan topi warna pink yang dipasang terbalik di atas kepalanya. Lalu, tengok pula telinganya. Di sana terselip sekuntum bunga warna merah jambu.

Mungkin tak sedikit yang bakal mengangkat alis atau justru sampai membelalakkan mata melihat padu-padan busana Ronaldo. Eits, dia sendiri ternyata malah merasa tampil biasa-biasa saja lho.

Topi Pink Ala Cristiano Ronaldo sangat menarik….

Jumat, September 04, 2009

Hat Dangdut

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Hat Dangdut. berawal from ketidak sengajaan, my hand begins shrewd make hat kuberi hat name Hat Dangdut. . inspiration from surface dancer at band stand dangdut and peach goddess.


  • plastic ball is divided 2,
  • beads,
  • shred cloth berbahan sequin,
  • thread, pilox,
  • gold ribbon or silver.


  • scissors,
  • thread,
  • needle,
  • pilox gold or silver,
  • glue or double tape

manner makes:

  1. in the first place make the hat covering. . sure we must split plastic ball be 2 parts, wear one of them aja. then pilox exterior and in if want. then dry deh.
  2. after dry, our ball hem is lubangin approximately every 2cm. depending taste, if closer, the beads decoration future more sensation all at once make gatel make.
  3. every that hole us pasangin beads that is banded ama thread. kalo i make long the thread along my little finger. kalo you want more sensation, long the thread along my arm, also ok. . guaranteed, the thread future tousled ahe. . hehe. .
  4. well, after the beads pair, prepare shred cloth berbahan sequin bling dangdut that. . then, pair at around ball with double tape with menyisa half ingredient makes made hat tail. so the impression tu long hair rich tail gitu. well, hat tail from shred cloth a while ago mengiket kenceng and neat pake gold colour ribbon. .

so, Hat Dangdut…


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