Jumat, Agustus 21, 2009

Casquette Hat Meaning And Scholar Judge's Robe

Casquette Hat Meaning And Scholar Judge's Robe. recall moment yore my mother narateds in me and my woman younger brother about Casquette Hat Meaning And Scholar Judge's Robe.
in ancient greek era, when is education formal only be can be enjoyed by rich group or foremost people who. there a old teacher wise is approached by a group honourable person. he said: " putera we merampung the education and now it is time to make them to return home and alive with appropriate style with their environment. tommorow we shall display them in a pride party again big. ascertain them wear best clothes from anatara clothes memilikinya. " the following day the day, party public building full of nobles that dress and decoration that interesting and bewitch. time menanti-nantikan arrive. wisudawan enter party public building room together with their teacher. disappointment call memperdengarkan audience, because they see putera-putera dress not honourable, that is they dress from gunny sack ingredient and each membawattopi casquette (worker simbol usually). what is the meaning (of) all these? scream that honourable person. putera we must dress best! " wise teacher answers: " they have dressed you have meant! putera you there that dress stone artisan because they are destined to build, they architect will build cities, they doctor memeperbaiki well-being, they teacher will build life. but they were all will be builder above base erudition steady. "

what seen beautiful and alegan useless otherwise espoused with treatment good for another person. Casquette Hat Meaning And Scholar Judge's Robe.

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